Kodály Music for Ages 4-7

A specialist, Kodály-inspired music class for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

When: After school – days and times TBC (please state which days you are available when registering your interest)

Where: Harehills Lane Baptist Church (Side Entrance), 13 Hilton Place, Leeds LS8 4HE

Cost: £8.75 per child per session, booked in termly blocks (10% sibling discount)

The quality of music education in many primary schools in the UK is at an all time low. Whilst all primary schools need to meet OFSTED criteria for music education, head teachers have faced such tough funding challenges over the last decade and do their best with the little funding they have available for music.

Some schools are fortunate to be able to buy in specialist teaching from local music services, but in many schools music is not taught by a specialist. Additionally, music services have seen funding cuts themselves and over the last ten years have generally only been able to offer unqualified teacher pay scales, meaning that the majority of music service teachers working as specialists in schools are not qualified teachers.

Having worked for 2 music services and as a qualified primary music teacher since graduating, I am also one of the British Kodály Academy´s few officially qualified Kodály teachers in Yorkshire and the North East. My colleague Carolyn is one of the most experienced Early Years teachers in Leeds, with ample training in Kodály methodology, having worked with Liverpool Philharmonic In Harmony Project and now working as a peripatetic teacher with Opera North. We are both keen to improve music education for primary-aged children in Leeds.

There is currently a waiting list for this group. If you are interested in joining, please use the contact form to send me an email letting me know which group you would like to join and what your availability would be. As soon as there is enough demand for a group running on a day you are free, then we will get in touch!

Caitlin 🙂